Two Years! Can you believe it!?

Over the years of taking care of my Mom, I learned an awful lot as I navigated through getting the right paperwork to get things done on her behalf, relocating her from MD to FL, selling her house, investing her money, learning how to get answers from medical professionals, making friends with the pharmacist, trusting home health agencies and workers, helping to create a social circle for her, helping to keep her motivated and engaged, working through emotions and frustrations that I had in expecting things from family members and friends.  I never thought that all of these changes would come upon a person and there would be no one resource to help guide you through these things.  I was lucky enough to have others who had been through similar situations share their experiences and key learnings with me to make my road a bit easier.  And from the very beginning, I felt that no one should have to do this alone; without a sounding board or someone to give them direction in getting started; someone to help sift through the many thoughts that arise of doubt and confusion about whether you can even handle being a caregiver.
As I found my voice in speaking up on behalf of my Mom, I also raised my voice to speak to others beginning their journey as family caregivers.  Instead of being a silent, solitary mass of individuals, I think we should be a visible, vocal community that supports one another and shares our good, bad and ugly in order to be better for those that we care for.  And that’s how Caring for Family Caregivers was brought into being.  I hope that I am living up to this purpose and serving the community well. 
As I start a new year with this company, I will continue to bring more efficiencies, education, information and support to family caregivers.  For those of you who have been on this journey with me, thank you for your belief in me and for your support of Caring for Family Caregivers activities.  Thank you for spreading the word that Caring for Family Caregivers exists and thank you for allowing me to serve you since 2015.  I am looking forward to bigger and better things in the future.

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